How to promote your brand with custom shirts

Workwear that doubles as a marketing tool are one thing you never want to turn down as a business owner. Finding a custom polo design online is an inexpensive and effective way to improve your company’s reputation and image while also letting your customers know exactly who you are.

Giveaway on social media

If you want to expand your influence on social media, host a giveaway on multiple social channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others. Ask people to like, comment, and share your message to enter your contest and win your custom logo t-shirt.

As a special bonus

Try to include a custom t-shirt or polo shirt with your logo printed every time if you have a new product that you would like to promote. People enjoy freebies and are more likely to buy your new product if they get something free with it.

T-Shirts are a cheap and effective way to advertise

Provide your staff with shirts with your company name and logo prominently displayed on both the front and back. Your employees in uniforms will stand out, and hence your clients will get to know whom to approach if there’s any query.

Starters for conversations

When was the last time you wore a corporate shirt and people commented on it out of curiosity? You probably don’t remember. On the contrary, a well-designed custom shirt proves to be visually stimulating and also serves as a conversation starter. Again, custom shirts are good at catching people’s attention and often leave a lasting impression on them. Just by wearing your branded shirt in public, you attract a lot of people who want to talk about the company. or brand.

Offer new clients a custom-designed t-shirt

One thing you can be sure of is that people love free stuff. When someone walks up to a table at a business conference or expo and sees a stack of free T-shirts next to your company brochure, it will attract them. Not only did they just take away a packet of information about your company, but you gave them a T-shirt for free. It will be better if you also throw in a tote bag and a ball cap.

Event promotional freebies

People are happy when they get free stuff. And when your custom t-shirts are awesome, there is no reason why they won’t wear them. 

This is a great way to get your business known. All you have to do is start a conversation with them and convince them. them to wear their shirts. 

Custom workwear suppliers that you can trust

Browse the OEM Hi-Vis workwear online store for quality custom workwear, and wholesale deals. We have everything tradies, surveyors, farmers, businesses, and project managers need, including high visibility workwear, sportswear, and casual wear. See for yourself in-store or contact us directly for support or custom orders.

Final words

Having branded workwear has significant benefits for both clients and employees and can be considered an investment that your business should take advantage of.

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